Booking a session with me is the ultimate privilege. I take my sessions seriously and always bring kinky professionalism to the table. To book with me, you must follow my booking steps correctly. Rude or problematic subs will be blocked permanently.
To begin booking, email with details of the session you are interested in, how many hours, and availability.
My in person sessions are those who are a brave enough to serve a powerful Mistress.
To book and in person session, you MUST provide identification and references. No exceptions. Should I feel it's necessary, I will requre us to meet in person at a public setting to get acquainted, though not always required.
I only session in dungeons or kink friendly spaces. If neither are available, I will choose a location I am comfortable with. Half deposit is required to book every session.
I provide online sessions for those who aren't ready to serve in person yet. My online sessions are conducted through Skype, phone sessions, and other webcam outlets.
I am based in NYC. If you wish to serve me in your city, there is an option to FMTY based on my schedule. A travel rate will be applied on top of your session rate. I accept 5 star accommodations and first class flightsonly.
You are to come to every session bathed and dressed in all black. If in chastity, cage must be worn to session.
Upon greeting me, you are to be positioned on your knees with remaining session fee in cash tucked away in an envelope. The envelope should be addressed to 'Mistress Marley'.
You are not allowed to record our session. However if recording is discussed beforehand and you consent, I will be recording the session and will pass along content to you.
Session starts at the time scheduled. If you are late, you will be charged a late fee of my choosing and will not gain extra time unless you book an extra hour.